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Common Dental Emergencies: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


With good dental hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, you’ll be able to limit the amount of time that you spend worrying about your smile. Issues such as gum disease, plaque buildup and decay all come about as a result of not taking good care of your teeth and surrounding tissues. A good brushing and flossing routine is therefore the best way to maintain high levels of oral health.

Of course, there are still certain situations where actions outside of your control result in a dental emergency. It can be tempting to wait the issue out, and assume that the pain will simply go away. Unfortunately, delaying treatment can actually make the situation far worse, so it’s always smart to have an issue checked out immediately.

Here are three common dental emergencies where you shouldn’t delay your visit.

Don't ignore toothache, it can come back to bite you. Don’t ignore toothache, it can come back to bite you.

1. Toothache

Toothache is one of the more common problems that may arise suddenly, often presenting as an unpleasant sensation in or around the tooth. Because this is quite common for some people, it’s often considered to be a relatively run of the mill issue, but toothache can be symptomatic of several different conditions, some more serious than others.

Infection is a frequent cause of toothache, and if left untreated it can spread to other parts of the jaw and even the bloodstream. Accordingly, you’ll always want to get the underlying issue checked out by an expert.

Teeth can become chipped or broken, and in every scenario you’ll want to have the damage repaired immediately.

2. Chipped or broken tooth

There are plenty of different ways that teeth can become chipped or broken, and in every scenario you’ll want to have the damage repaired immediately. The imperfections will ruin the aesthetics of your teeth, and can make it unpleasant and painful to eat.

Make sure that you hold onto any chips to make the repairs as easy as possible. By promptly stopping by City Dentists, you’ll have that shining smile back in no time.

3. Lost fillings

While fillings are designed to last for a long time, they will eventually need to be replaced. Sometimes they can become dislodged without warning, and may even fall out. This can be a bit jarring, but don’t fret – replacing a filling is quick and easy. If you’re really worried about the gap, WebMD recommends plugging it with a piece of sugar-free gum (sugar will sting). As long as you get in quick though, you’ll be able to get the material replaced without any drama.

For more information on when to see a dentist in a dental emergency, get in touch with the team at City Dentists today.